Start Your Q&A

How it works

Simplify the process of interacting with your community in 3 simple steps:


Create an account

First you need to create and account, providing basic information or using google.


Open a topic

Once your account is ready, it's time to open a discussion or topic that resonates with your audience.


Interact with your community

Now you have the power to observe comments and questions from your users in real-time.

Frequent questions

Do you have pricing plans?

Currently, we do not have a pricing structure in place. Instead, our service operates with usage limits for users.

Can I control who joins?

Currently, you cannot control who joins. Anyone can leave a comment and give likes.

What are the limits?

You can have up to 3 open discussions, with a maximum of 30 comments per discussion.

Start to interact
with your community

Start now